
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Difference Between Regular And Feminized Cannabis Seeds

regular and feminized cannabis seeds  With the general hype surrounding the relatively recent developments of feminized and auto flowering seeds, you’d be forgiven for maybe thinking that regular cannabis seeds are somehow less exciting. You’d also be wrong. Regular seeds contain endless possibilities for growers to experiment with. Now, we use the name regular cannabis seed  to distinguish the originals from  feminized cannabis seeds  and  auto flowering cannabis  seeds . Both of these types are relatively recent developments when you consider that cannabis has been cultivated by humans for thousands of years. Regular cannabis seeds are produced when a male cannabis plant  pollinates a female cannabis plant. Male pollen is released from ripe pollen sacs and blown by the wind (or carried by the careful hand of a breeder) until it finds the receptive stigmas in female flowers. Pollination results in hundreds, if not thousands, more regular cannabis seeds which will all in turn p